Brain Fog Fighting Coffee

Brain Fog Fighting Coffee

Are You Experiencing Brain Fog? 

The term “brain fog” isn’t a medical diagnosis. 

Instead, the term is often used by clinicians as a catch-all for patients that describe having absentmindedness or not feeling as sharp as usual. 

This does not include days when you may have had alcoholic drinks or high amounts of sugar - We'd all expect to have brain fog the following day.

Rather, brain fog is more commonly used to describe instances where things feel a bit foggy, but there is no obvious culprit to blame.

Some of the symptoms commonly associated with brain fog include:

  • Loss of mental sharpness
  • Low energy
  • Struggle to exercise
  • Difficulty prioritizing and managing tasks
  • Problems with verbal fluency
  • Irritability
  • Moodiness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Worsening brain fog under stress, which some call “stress dementia.” 

If there is no obvious culprit like a single night of terrible sleep or a bad hangover, what are some of the common causes of brain fog and how can you avoid it?

You are already doing it....

Consistent high-quality sleep, regular exercise, and good nutrition and MCT Oil. 

1) Regular exercise

Exercise has been shown to improve cerebral blood flow and executive function. 

A sedentary lifestyle is a great way to make your brain feel foggy. 

2) Nutrition.

Our brains consume about 20% of our body’s glucose because it takes so much energy for our brain to do everything it does.

The brain is also unable to store energy the way our muscles and liver can.

This causes spikes and drops in blood sugar to have a significant impact on how our brains function.

If you don’t eat balanced meals that keep your blood glucose levels stable, you’ll be a lot more susceptible to brain fog, along with diabetes, heart disease, dementia and body fat gain. 

3) MCT Oil

According to the  Alzheimers Association, two clinical trials reported that MCT Oil improved cognitive function in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease patients who do not carry the APOE4 genotype but were ineffective for APOE4 carriers [6][7]

In other words, it not only improves brain fog, but also protects against Alzheimer's disease and other brain-related diseases.


Splash this in your Coffee for Significant fat loss...

#1 Rated High Octane MCT Oil, beat cravings and drop fat! 

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MCT Oil also helps you burn more body fat.

MCT oil is a dietary fat, like olive oil or coconut oil. 

Your body turns MCTs into molecules called ketones.

Studies have shown that ketones are a source of energy that helps burn fat, curb cravings and power the brain.

There are many promising benefits of MCT oil:

  • Lowering blood sugar and insulin levels
  • Energy production
  • Mental clarity
  • Infection-fighting
  • Gut health

Splash this in your Coffee for Significant fat loss...

#1 Rated High Octane MCT Oil, beat cravings and drop fat!

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How to take it:

 Use 1-tbs in coffee, tea or a protein drink, one time per day.  

MCT oil is not new.  

 And the news of it to help people get into and stay into ketosis (fat burning) isn’t new either.

However, the positive associations with lower glucose, insulin and HA1c are extremely positive.

Furthermore because of the breath of the research I’ve failed to mention the positive effects of MCT to lowering the risk of Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease and Heart Disease.

Lastly, I am the first one to tell you MCT OIL doesn’t work in a vacuum.

Although there are some demonstrated positive effects on losing weight and lowering blood glucose even if a person is not following The Right Diet, those benefits will be limited.

I don’t want to lull you into a false sense that you can eat cereal, pizza and ice cream and still have many positive effects on your health by just taking MCT OIL.

It’s not magic.

But it is extremely effective in helping increase fat loss, lowering blood sugar, insulin and other important health factors.



Splash this in your Coffee for Significant fat loss...

#1 Rated High Octane MCT Oil, beat cravings and drop fat!

High Octane Special 

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