While there is no one cure for results, there is one common theme – “Routine”.
Sample Eating Schedule – General Ages 40-65:
*Non-workout days, flip-flop 7:00 AM Strength Genesis New Zealand Grass-Fed Whey Protein to 9:00 AM & have breakfast at 6:00-7:00 AM.
For some, that word sounds boring and painful.
They are everywhere and they don’t have to be painful.
In fact, they shouldn’t be.
School is made up of a few distinct phases to attain a positive outcome.
In the case of school, that would mean a passing grade.
Or if you are a high achiever, a high grade like an A.
The phases are:
Each part breaks down into more detail, but I can save that topic for another time.
Yes, you want the right kind of exercise.
And people are starting from all different places (beginner, intermediate, advanced, rehab injury).
Yes, you want the right diet.
And people have all different considerations (personal size, gender, activity level, disease, restrictions).
But once you design the ‘right’ system – it needs to be a routine (consistent).
And this is where individuals need help.
Yes, there will be days that it’s cold, snowy, dark.
Yes, there will be times that you are tired, stressed, busy, unmotivated.
That’s everybody.
However, results happen when you do it anyway by sticking to your ‘Good Routine’.
You will: