Usually towards eating foods that may not actually be good for healthy eating.
There are countless individual examples but at a high-level many people think:
The fact is, your digestive track could care less. It just attempts to process nutrients no matter when or how they are injected. I’ve personally had diet success by eating ‘breakfast foods’ for dinner and ‘dinner foods’ for lunch.
This recipe, like many, is great for any meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner, post-workout). It is nutrient-dense with many vitamins and minerals. This recipe includes many healthy foods with wonderful nutrition facts.
It’s also wonderful if you have leftovers.
It will help you with weight loss and to drop body fat and improve your health.
From my book Cooking with Gold
(For those of you that already have the book, It’s on page 13)
If you already like steak, you will love it more with Mac Oil (taste like Butter)
It will help you with weight control and be healthy.
TIP: If you don’t like steak, please feel free to substitute ANY protein (grilled chicken, turkey, pork, etc)
Strength Genesis Mac Oil is also perfect for all of your fruit and vegetable side dishes! You can easily add healthy fats to your cooking with this delicious oil.
Buy and have shipped to your home: Strength Genesis Mac Oil.
I only use: